Eulogy - Scott Knipe
Who ever said there aren't superheroes?
I knew one. He wasn't faster than a speeding bullet, nor could he leap small buildings in a single bound. He didn't have X-ray vision, and I don t think he could fly. But he was a hero nonetheless.
Wherever gamers were bored, he was there! Whenever the disabled were downtrodden, he was there! If ever a friend was in need, he was there!
Sometimes he fought evil in the guise of beloved son and friend Mike Pyorala. At other times he was forced to don the mantle of his alter ego, Big Daddy Pi.
While Pi possessed many endearing qualities - intellect, wit, patience, and perseverance - his single greatest asset was his unflagging love. Like his alias implies, Pi was a patriarchal figure who loved everyone around him, and in doing so, taught them how to love.
From his not-so-secret base of operations on the Adrian College campus, Big Daddy Pi gathered his forces around him. In the earliest days, his efforts to shape as the brotherhood of Beta Lambda Sigma. Later, his vision was brought to its full glory under the umbrella of Alpha Tau Omega.
From the chapter room of Lowry Hall to the neon lights of the Squid Pit to the midnight games in the ATO study room, Pi worked his magic. By word and by action, he taught us all the meaning of Brotherhood, Leadership, and Service. And through us, his message was spread to countless others.
But even Superman had his kryptonite. Indeed, Mike suffered more adversity in his life than any one man had a right to. It's some small consolation that when the end came, Pi was among the brotherhood that he built, and in the arms of people he loved.
No on can tell me there aren't superheroes. I knew one.
His name was Mike Pyorala.